Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Good As Lily

Book: Good As Lily
Author: Derek Kirk Kim
Artist: Jesse Hamm

Audience: Teen
In a Nutshell: talk about Multiple Personality Disorder!

A piƱata from a mysterious street vendor works a strange kind of magic on Grace's life on her 18th birthday. It creates 3 extra versions of herself at 6, 29, and 78 years old. Trying to keep them hidden or explain their presence is tricky enough without young Grace throwing tantrums, old Grace stealing her father's cigarettes, and adult Grace coming on to Mr. Levon, the young English teacher she has a crush on in real-time. In the midst of juggling all of her selves, Grace is forced to face issues from her past, warnings for the future, and gets the chance to see the value of certain friends in the here and now.

Fun idea, nicely rendered with snappy dialogue and good drawing. I especially like the way Grace is drawn: a comic book girl with beautiful natural curves. Oh, and if you're wondering where the title comes from, it has to do with her sister, who died young.

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