Monday, July 31, 2006

Step Right Up: A Visual Introduction to Book Barker

Welcome one and all (or maybe just one), to my inaugural post on Book Barker. In my line of work as a youth services librarian, I use flannel boards. I like them a lot. I even made a special one to toast my sister's wedding last summer. I wish I could use a flannel board to show you why this blog is called Book Barker, but all that fuzzy goodness doesn't download well. So here's the best I can do.

This is a book:

This is a barker:

Whoops, wrong Barker. Sorry, Bob. This blog's not about you.

Here's another barker:

Wait, no, that's not right either. That's my dog, Brynn.
Very cute, but also not the subject of BB.

How about this barker:

That's more like it!

You know the guy. He's the one at the circus with the voice like a bull horn who draws in the passersby with promises of the wonders that await them within the sideshow tents. He's the great-grandfather of the banner and pop-up ads, all flashy and loud and promising great things if you just click here.

I read a lot of books for children and teens, and every so often something for adults. Book Barker is my sideshow collection of reviews, rambles and rants about these books, the people who write them, and maybe the people who read them. At least, that's the plan. I don't have a trained monkey to lure you in (more's the pity), but I also won't charge you a nickel.

So step right up and see what strikes your fancy. Who knows, wonders may await you. I'll try not to give away the endings.


Unknown said...

I am the first to post a comment, sweet. Alicia is a great librarian and a great teller of stories. She is also very proficient with puppets, always a fan favorite.
"Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me."


Lori Witzel said...

Well, this could be a fun one! Welcome to the pixelated chaos!

Stumbled across your blog, and hope you'll review Philip Pullman's His Dark of my faves.